An educational meeting featuring forecasts, information and insights to help producers plan and reduce risk for the upcoming crop year.

Making The Most Of The Year Ahead.

Insights – Tools – Strategies

Thank you for your interest. GrowingOn® 2024 has concluded. Recordings of the presentations are available below.

For additional educational events, visit Or visit our Learning Center for articles and resources to help you navigate financing and crop insurance for your farm, home or acreage.

Naomi Blohm 

Naomi Blohm

Grain Marketing Outlook for 2024

Successful grain marketing hinges on understanding your local marketplace as well as the global functions of supply and demand. Ms. Blohm will discuss the current commodity supply and demand trends and price scenarios.

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Matt Clark 

Matt Clark

Rates and Bellybuttons: Everyone Has Both. Are They Changing in 2024?

This session will offer a deep look at interest rates with an explanation of what's happening in the macroeconomy and factors that drive interest rates.

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Cody Barilla 

Cody Barilla

Farmland Values and ROI

Do the Return on Investment standards of the past live up to the present, and will they continue to going forward?

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Dave_Weaber Web 

Dave Weaber

Renewable Diesels: Not Just a Soybean Story

This session will provide an update on the expansion of renewable diesel production to help growers understand all of its implications, including a possible rally in animal fat prices, soymeal availability, and corn/soybean rotations..

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Matt Roberts 

Matt Roberts

Rise and Fall, Rise and Fall

Commodity price cycle causes and effects will be reviewed in the context of the current outlook for grain prices.

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Frontier Farm Credit serves farmers, ranchers, agribusinesses and rural residents in eastern Kansas. For inquiries outside this geography, use the Farm Credit Association Locator  to contact your local office.