• Our offices will be closed on Mon., Feb. 17, in observance of Presidents' Day. Normal operations will resume on Tue., Feb. 18.


To: Providers of Professional Services to Frontier Farm Credit, FLCA, and/or Frontier Farm Credit, PCA (“Associations”)

Please be advised that pursuant to regulations issued by the Farm Credit Administration (FCA) you and your firm are considered “Agents” of the Associations as that term is defined by the FCA – “Any Person, other than a Director or Employee, with the power to act for the Association either by contract or apparent authority and who currently either represents the Association in contacts with third parties or provides professional or fiduciary services to the Association.” As Agents, compliance with the following Association policies is required by you and your firm:

Copies of these policies are linked hereto, which include the regulatory references. Please review and become familiar with the provisions that apply to Agents. Any other Association policies referenced within those provided above do not apply to Agents of the Association. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Association representative who has engaged you or is coordinating services you are providing to the Associations.


Any questions related to the Standards of Conduct and Code of Ethics should be directed to $StandardsofConduct@fcsamerica.com.

The Association also maintains an anonymous reporting system supported by our business partner, EthicsPoint. This tool gives our business partners and vendors the opportunity to report any complaints confidentially and anonymously. More information can be found at: frontierfarmcredit.com/anonymous-reporting.